Heavy Five

Views: 124K

created on Oct 01, 2020

In Heavy Five, you're the engineering officer on board a deep space ship called the Intrepid. At the moment it's carrying out several resupply missions intended for those fragile outposts mankind has managed to create. While off duty and relaxing, you discover you've suddenly been ordered to fill in for a crew person who was hurt and carry out a mission intended to bring supplies to a science station located on a planet called Ophion that's had some strange things happening on it...

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  • TheMasterBaiter - Sep 25, 2024

    This game was a lot fun early on but as soon as the recaps made me realize I was losing content - to the point I missed every content in chapter 3 - I've flipped an switch (shouldn't be this hard, really), at first I thought it would be manageable but no, far from it, you missed an event, you're pretty much out for good, then on the recaps the dev is doubling down on the "difficulty" saying it is what it is and that's not going to change, which is pretty frustrating for a game with FREE ROAM and TIME MANAGEMENT, a separate file for each route it's a freaking hassle.
    Personally, I love the characters, game, plot, but can't put up with the mechanics, system, roam and time management.
    • casey - Jul 20, 2024

      Way too complicated - violates the KISS standard for programming.
      • BgileMunro - Nov 03, 2021

        If they are using USN ranks, and it appears they are, Sarah has a silver bar on the roster. Ensigns have gold bars. A silver bar is a LTJG.
        • SBSeed - Apr 09, 2021

          seriously the MC has total seniority yet can be overridden in command by a civilian and someone of equal rank who subordinate to the MC for the duration of the mission....

          goes nuts about someone having sex with subordinates punishes the subordinate even though she has shown herself to be promiscuous at best and a complete whore at worst...

          please rethink some things and inject some logic.
          • casey - Jul 20, 2024

            That's the definition of sexual harassment law in the office environment. Subordinates are always getting punished while the bosses, who constantly lecture about inappropriate behavior, engage in consensual sexual conduct.
          • Whywhygrrrrr - Oct 10, 2020

            Where is the Sex? Why is the only hot Sexscene destroyed by the Pilot? Why is the Pilot allowed to lesbianfuck his own hole Crew and Ensign Kelly from the Kommunikation Tower and a Stranger is not allowed to fuck Engeneer Allie in his Room at Planet. Why he doesnt lock the DOOR? Dumb Story without Sexscenes, only lingery.
            • DislikethisComment - Oct 03, 2020

              Dislike this comment just because
              • Amazed - Feb 03, 2022

                Wow never saw so many dislikes in a single comment
              • Baju - Oct 01, 2020


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