Mirror Mine [v 0.19.2]

Views: 232K

updated on Apr 12, 2023

In Mirror Mine, you come back from college to find a world that isn't what you hoped for. Your dad has recently left. The two of you weren't close, but that doesn't mean you hated each other. You are almost flat broke, and now that means you've got to move back home. Now you've got to live with the rules of the house and it's not as much fun as your college years. Are you going to buck your parents or listen and be a good son? The choice is yours, and your decisions will impact the outcome of the game.

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(4 out of 5)



  • zomboid - Jun 04, 2024

    Maybe this game gets better later on (though, reading some other comments here, that doesn't seem to be the case), but it starts way too slow, to keep me interested.
    • Jason S - Mar 04, 2024

      Idk why they started off so slow with the story line and everything but even tho you enter your relationship to the characters its completely off which got me thinking the only family you have is Daine (old lady). BTW Lizzie is your aunt and Laine is your cousin I guess. MC is either a lazy b*tch or just VERY forgetful. Other than that it's an okay game a solid 7 out of 10.
    • Rob - Aug 01, 2023

      I quite enjoy the game it's a tad bit to slow tbh but good story GREAT VISUAL can't wait for the update and I wish you wouldn't make Liane so thick headed she didn't need to get hurt made me sad...only one problem or more one statement, how the heck is this version. but short as hell wtf!!!! I've had games five times longer and still in infant version
      • Manic - Dec 19, 2023

        Current game content could have been half as short with same story being told. You can tell the story-writer fancies themself a writer; Using rarely used words and lengthy contrived sentences to describe literally every single insignificant sensation the mc feels. Story was good but I inwardly groaned every time the mc had inner monologue.
      • Lyntwad - Apr 30, 2023

        Well besides the Mom bein ugly as fuck. Its just so borin. I can't get into it. Sorry but this isn't very good.
        • False - Dec 19, 2023

          Mom is bea bro. She looks realistic and natural. Wish there were more games with these types of models. Tired of games with character that are supposed to be in there late 40s look like they're in their late 20s
        • tripode77 - Apr 15, 2023

          solita storia , mancano personaggi femminili , la grafica scadente , una buona rivisitata un aggiunta di molti piu personaggi , una completa rivisitazione della grasi , più scene di sesso , diventa un capolavoro , buon lavoro sviluppatori
          • Anon - Jan 07, 2023

            Nothing like being forced to peek at grannies. Even when it gives you the option to not do it, it just assumes you did.
            • Manic - Dec 19, 2023

              "Forced"?! You mean "Let" right? Sexy cougars with a lil chub are the best. And bro, she's the only romance option; What did you expect?
            • Packman - Oct 31, 2022

              This had better not gotten ABANDONED a good game that was improving
              • FrankCastle - Sep 08, 2022

                What has happened to this game?
              • Frank - Aug 16, 2022

                When will we get another update?
                • Frank - Jun 26, 2022

                  Games getting better

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