Excluded - Ep2

Views: 72K

updated on Aug 07, 2022

Excluded - This is a story about a young man's transition to city life. Our protagonist, denied admission to a prestigious university, is looking for a college experience without the pressure of studying. Yes, that does sound lazy, but somehow he expects to pull it off. He'll do his best to do as little work as possible while furthering his education. It's quite an adventure for him to search high and low to gain the experience he needs to become educated.

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  • MrNeko - Nov 05, 2022

    If there was more to it would not be bad but was a waste of time.
    • playerofporngames - Sep 09, 2022

      i actually liked this one, shame it ended so quickly
      • OCB - Aug 08, 2022

        This story doesn´t work at all! And the cliffhanger neither does! - Mel blocks the number of her future classmate she and Liv will see every day at school? - Also, why would the sisters keep a guy into the dark, messing up his life who didn´t do nothing wrong to them and lived as a bro to them over years?!
        There absolutely nothing makes any sense at all and the missing erotic content doesn´t make things better! - I didn´t even make 1 gamesave, cause I won´t play this further ...
        • VN. - Aug 08, 2022

          The game design is not bad.. Probably new thats why theres not much erotic content yet. I give this 5/5 for the design.
          • anan - Jul 04, 2022

            i need ep 2
            • james - Jun 29, 2022

              die Geschichten werden immer kürzer und inhaltsloser. einfach nichts was nach einer Fortsetzung verlangt. Zero points. Der Autor hat nichts geleistet, garnichts. Er braucht wohl dringend geld.Er sollte sich einen anderen Beruf suchen. Das Niveau hier wird immer niedriger.Schämt euch.
              • Walker - Jun 25, 2022

                i agree with laytonp. no erotic content at all. why is it even on this site.
                wast of time. Skip this one
                • laytonp - Jun 23, 2022

                  A pointless start. No coherent storyline, hardly any interaction and noe erotic scenes. I would pass on from this one.

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