The Sixth Realm - Ch[1-2]

Views: 166K

updated on Jun 21, 2023

The Sixth Realm - Ch[1-2] - Everything is about to change. Before the sixth, the five realms are about to undergo massive changes, and it's only the beginning. Before you know what's happening, you see that the hero becomes a master. All the heroes become masters, and it's something that must happen to combat the realms changing. You have a destiny to fulfill and so much more to discover about life. The challenge is to keep an open mind and learn about everything while trying to battle the world around you.

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  • Dee Fredo - Jan 12, 2024

    Is this game abandoned? also what happend to the creators patreon as it says "This member isnโ€™t supporting any creators at the moment."
    • Vixim - Jul 20, 2024

      It is abandoned...

      (Sorry, by the way, I often forget that I have a page on this site, lol.)

      Well, it's not happening.

      It was a cool hobby, and it was always meant to be one, but it was way too time-consuming, and I don't have such time to "waste" anymore. I have now other projects in my life in which I'm now fully invested.

      I 100% recommend it to whoever has free time after work/college and wants to create their stories and share them with the whole world. I'd do it again and wouldn't change anything, haha. Now you even have tons of AIs to assist you in your tasks, from text proofing to real voice generators.

      Anyway, if anyone feels inspired to pick up where I left off, please feel free to do so without the need to mention or tag me. You do you, and enjoy. I'll never ask for a penny; I don't need that. Just have fun; it's the most important.

      With that said, I believe it's time to draw this chapter to a close.


      • Dee Fredo - Oct 08, 2024

        Damn that's a shame, I really enjoyed the story, hopefully you make a return at some point
    • Dalludon - Nov 14, 2023

      I am looking for a similar game where the story begins in a similar fashion (A teacher explaining the history of the land to the class), there are other creatures also, and there are portals we can use to travel to different lands. In that game the MC also forees a demon who loves books... That's all I can remember
    • Avik yadav - Oct 20, 2023

      Sex play
      • jobax - Jun 24, 2023

        could be a good story but the mc is just a massive simp. his personality started to irritate me pretty quick. ๐Ÿ‘Ž
        • prranjals - Jan 13, 2023

          Whenever playing a game from the region of submissive simps, make sure to make the choices that`d flatter the femnists.
          • prranjals - Jan 13, 2023

            Meanwhile this meanwhile that, earlier this earlier that, far away this far away that... all that bullshit works for the movies becoz they have limited resaources and a very specific timeframe to stick to. Why so many cut scenes in an AVN? Kills the mood altogether.
            • King_12 - Sep 18, 2022

              I am recommending a abandoned game name STORY,it is on this site but u cant find it by searching...,go to category adventure on 12-13 page u will find it play
              • Brains - Jun 22, 2023

                U mean Void's Calling? Yea true, its abandoned and its really sad. One of the potential best games on this site but well politics ruined it tbh..
              • jk. - Jul 06, 2022

                why take Selena ๐Ÿ˜ญ dam emotional shit im supposed to get off on it not tear up fuck but instead her death to dam soon if ever
                • jk. - Jul 06, 2022

                  it is a beautiful game i will say that and great sex scenes and the story is good unfinished seemed rushed and like so much was going on it was hard to know what was going on at times hope it will get improved and finished has a lot of potential
                  • jk. - Jul 06, 2022

                    2 deaths well possible and then a fleeing crap why do this why make a game so emotional
                  • JayKay - May 31, 2022

                    Really?... Thats the way it ends?.. And then no Ch2, just Ch3 and Ch4 on this site? Lame. Ugh. Mad respect for owning up to the spelling/grammar errors from the get-go, though. First Ive seen.
                    • JayKay - May 31, 2022

                      Just realized the first and second chapters are together... Disregard.
                    • sam321 - Jan 28, 2022

                      I cannot find its second part on this site

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