The Lost Chapters [v 0.6.2a]

Views: 370K

updated on Mar 14, 2025

The Lost Chapters is a modern fantasy adult visual novel focused on romance and relationships. Eve has had a difficult life from birth in that she was adopted by a single mother who had another daughter. Life was so hard for this woman, but somehow she was able to pull herself up by her bootstraps and make something out of herself. Just when she thinks the coast is clear, she loses her job during a global pandemic. The moment everything seems like it's so bad that she can't take it, a ray of sunshine comes down in the form of a response to her application at Mara Institute for a substitute teacher position she applied for.

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  • Darwin - Mar 16, 2025

    • ChangelogGuy - Mar 14, 2025

      Here is the changelog for all of you:

      The recap feature has been revamped. Now, you can access it anytime by clicking on
      the icon at the top right corner of the screen.
      Two new scenes.
      • Moiyer - Nov 15, 2024

        Can someone find a game?
        It starts off with the mc fucking a girl at a college party, the mc works in an office, you can get money by trading in hearts, and the mc goes to a concert with a goth girl.
        Thanks in advance.
        • Zaz - Aug 17, 2024

          There is some assemblance of a story, with a crap ton of text to read... Normally I don't mind story and dialogue, but the story keeps going in all sorts of different directions, and don't even get me started on the dream sequences... The dream sequences seem to have little to nothing to do with the story... It is a hodgepodge of various character nightmares, that range from past memories to fantasy realm crap (some of which is just some random fetish stuff) that appears completely out of context with the main characters story, throwing you completely out of any immersion with the main characters life and story...

          Overall, the story seems to have somewhat of a plot, but it is hard to tell where exactly it's going... The few choices you get to make, do determine how the main character will eventually interact with the various characters she meets... They mostly involve around being dom or sub with each character... I got sick and tired of the fantasy-land based dream sequences that got longer each time...
          • Run - Feb 04, 2024

            Schöne Bilder . Nette erotik. Aber zu viele Sprünge. Zu unzusammenhängend. Viel zu Chaotisch und wild. Unschön zu lesen. Keine Geschichte sondern einee anananderreihung von einzelsequenzen. Nichtmal verbindender, erklärender Text.
            • GermanSam - Apr 09, 2024

              V0.6 Deepl Translation: "Beautiful pictures and nice eroticism. But too many jumps and too incoherent chaotic and wild. Unpleasant to read because not a story but a series of individual sequences. Not even a connecting, explanatory text"endquote. I wouldnt agree to 100%, maybe 50% but overall a game mostly for lesbian fans, you rarely see a Man.
            • Yumina - Sep 10, 2023

              The game keeps trying to push you to be with Xue and I hope we aren't forced to do anything with her because she's definitely the ugliest person in this game
              • prranjal - Sep 10, 2023

                It's like one of those games that u keep playing for half an hour but still u are unsure what the game is all about? So u lose yr interest and skip all the images till u find a sex scene of yr liking.
                • LucienCorvin - Jul 30, 2023

                  too many places to get lost in, everything just goes in all directions and you're EXPECTED to keep up with it all and ur like huh?
                  • exy21 - Jun 14, 2023

                    It's sooo captivating every little detail of this game I love it, I don't know if I'm playing a game or watching a movie.
                    • Ken_ - Jun 10, 2023

                      to many flashbacks and very difficult to follow i don't wish to think i use avn's to relax not tax my brain. even though it is definitely not bad it is not for me.

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