Rosewater Manor

Views: 63K

updated on Jun 16, 2023

You are a detective looking into a case of missing females in the Rosewater Manor game. Some of the girls appear to have just gone, and as the case grows more unsolved and without solid clues, it falls into your lap. Your cunning provides you with a strong lead, which you pursue to the unusual Rosewater Manor. The majority of the females are soon in the home, but there's a catch... They appear to think that they are witches and that a demon is haunting them with the intention of using them for his own advantage.

One of them also asserts that the erotic gives them power and that it aids in the recovery of their magical abilities. You begin to believe them after a series of bizarre occurrences. You are all imprisoned in an area around the home and unable to escape, but for the time being you are all safe, you might believe. 

Soon, things take a bizarre turn…

Developer:Daniels K
Rating: 5Votes: 89
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  • LucasHood - Jan 05, 2025

    WTF thsts one hell ofa cliffhanger tell me theres more
    • Ghost - May 06, 2024

      My mc had big balls and fought and argue a lot he wasn't a pussy
      • Deathrider2 - Mar 20, 2024

        I DONT Know what yalll did but my mc had balls and i loved the vampire ending
        • Alphamale563 - Oct 16, 2023

          This MC is god damn PUSSY!!!! I mean WTF is wrong with him.
          • disappointed - Jul 02, 2023

            ending sucks, just leaves you hanging. finish the story, or did you just get bored and screw us?? good story but incomplete!! bad writer... lazy.
            • Alphamale563 - Oct 16, 2023

              My ending was just The End nothing else just black screen
            • jman - Jun 22, 2023

              bruv the endings are kinda ass. dunno if they gonna add anything else though
              • jman - Jun 22, 2023

                although the one with frida and billie was pretty good. imagine having that irl
              • NickIsTheName - Jun 19, 2023

                Just the fact the fame is complete with endings make it better than 99.5% of all other VN.
                Add a smooth running, I had just one random error near the end.
                Good jobs devs it was very enjoyable.
              • Matty89 - Jun 18, 2023

                Needs a WALKTHROUGH UPDATE?
                • BLACKJACK - Apr 08, 2023

                  As someone that has some LEO background, if I was in this situation I would have got everything from the car including the rifle and or shotgun and had them in the house for when the demon actually got in the house. And while you maybe can not kill him with a pistol a rifle or shotgun is going to create more damage cause more pain and take him longer to recover from.
                  • BLACKJACK - Apr 08, 2023

                    Also if the demon knows about Freda in the other dimension it is a good working theory that he put her there or was an accomplice to the person who put her there And needed someone else to break her out!
                    If the milk is a byproduct of her growth then it would stand to reason that the milk has got some power I anyone who drinks it should get more power or more likely grow their "battery" of power reserves.
                    • BLACKJACK - Apr 08, 2023

                      MC sucking Freda's breast while finger banging her will be hot. And MC banging Freda while finger banging two of the girls while they suck Freda's breasts would be out of this world. And something that I can not recall ever seeing in a game before.
                  • KronosMyth - Apr 07, 2023

                    If you chose the human path you just stop at a randomn location after your car breaks down with Perry, what a disappointment

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