
Views: 34K

created on Aug 28, 2019

In the Pandora game, your character is Kean, a guy who is a little shy, kind of a nerd and a bit introverted. He’s also pretty nice. Will this nice guy get lucky? It all depends on how you play the game. The game has 2 parts. This version is part one, so if you get through it you can look for part two to continue the fun. Or, you can skip and go straight to part two. The fun thing is you can look for characters from other media like Star Wars or Gods of the Sea.

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  • Thal - Jul 30, 2024

    Bleh - This RPG stuff is such a pain in the arse!
    Too easy getting a game over with zero clues at wtf you did wrong, especially considering the lame other choices I did not choose. As a rule, I only read a story once so this BS was really disappointing. Don't waste your time here: nothing worthwhile.
    • glasscock - Jul 13, 2023

      Game has so little pay off, is way too easy to get a game over, and definitely has the single most pathetic main character I've ever seen. It's genuinely a little disappointing to see how poorly written and composed this MC is. Maggie is a great looking character but I can't help but feel completely unable to take this game seriously when half of what this main character is "Err..." and "Uh..." and then passes out from the touch of a woman. I feel like this would've been a sweet little love stor
      • Help - Apr 20, 2022

        Needs a walkthrough. Need to know who I am disappointing to keep getting game over no matter what decisions i make.
        • SBSeed - Apr 24, 2021

          disappointing, sadly while there are choices and point and click stuff it pretty canned stuff...
          i think it is still too linear for it to be remotely considered to be an RPG, which it is not.

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