Mist of Her Body [v 1.0]

Views: 75K

created on Nov 09, 2023

In Mist of Her Body, the main character, Noah, is an 18-year-old living in a quiet boarding college under the care of a reserved landlady. He shares a special love story with Natalie, his soulmate. They challenge the rules one night, and their hidden relationship becomes known, leading to a series of revelations about Noah's family secrets connected to their mysterious landlady.

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  • Dragon Voyeur - Apr 20, 2024

    Wow...a fucking midget with an adolescents head.
    • Excal - Dec 03, 2023

      I got sea sick....
      • zombie - Nov 22, 2023

        nice graphic but its more story reading then game bit boring and annoying screen movement making you sea sick from just watching
        • Wutang - Nov 19, 2023

          this whole animation for the characters during the dialogue is giving me motion sickness.
          • Katjablond - Nov 18, 2023

            OK. 1. Can someone tell me what the story is. I do not understand you. Or is it just about sex. 2. It's boring, too linear. 3. It is not explained who the people are. Because there is no intro etc. 4. Only the animations are very good. Unfortunately the rest is very boring. I think you have no choice. Although there are some. 5. There is no play value that you can decide for yourself. With if you want to do something or not. It's more forced, whether you want it or not, etc. End!!!
            • CanDor - Nov 16, 2023

              During the scene where Christine is rubbing/treating the MC's leg, images of Natalie from the previous scene keep popping up. During the sex scene with Nora, Images of Christine from the previous scene keep popping up... what's up with that? And of course the constant motion of everything in the scenes is really annoying!
              • Khalil - Nov 15, 2023

                Man this game is the cose of why people have Epilipsy .
                • Dan59 - Nov 15, 2023

                  E X C E L L E N T ! I'm F.....g love it ***** !!!
                  • hubby - Nov 15, 2023

                    if you play this you get 100% sea sick
                    • man - Nov 15, 2023

                      earthquake everywhere and wtf how does someone getoff by rubbing the legs guess this happened to dev hahaha

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