Click on 3 lines in the corner in part 1 to export saves, then come to part 2 and while in the main menu click 3 lines in the corner to import the save you exported, then click on load game and saves are there.
Some people complain about Clara and her behavior. Look, it's easy... this game expects common sense.
If you fool around with other girls (especially her friends), she will know and maybe think she could, too. The more you show her off, the more she might like it, too.
Don't fool around, and she will herself stop guys groping her... no rocket science.
That only means you picked the choices to fool around with other girls or groping Clara in public thinking it would not have consequences... just like someone unfaithful expecting the partner to be faithful.
That game is complex. Keep it for yourself if you want Clara for yourself.
When I started this game I actually did like Clara the most. But Clara is literally only happy when cheating on you, even when you tell her you don't approve of it. She does more with everyone but the MC, and there is seemingly no way to just date someone else.
Nah... you're wrong. Don't fool around with other women, carefully pick when you even show her off in public (or not at all)... and you have her just for you.
Just like real life - can't sleep around thinking the partner won't.
please can someone says how i can leave this bitch of Clara and have Amy as girlfriend ... i made everything for leave her. but it's impossible .... why the creator forces me to stay with her. i want Amy ...
It seems the most recent update has retconed the story. Not sure if there were other changes, but the previous version ending either MC at a party and choosing GF to go with one of 4 people (and having sex with the 3 that aren't MC)
It also has you meet with step dad and you could either bang gf yourself or bang an old lady, resulting in step dad banging gf. However, new update changes this by only allowing 2 choices at party and no choice allowing step dad to bang gf.
Please use the export option to have the progress saved in the future.
Click the three-line option in the left upper corner and choose the export option.
viper44 - Aug 23, 2024
reg - Jan 02, 2025
Michi - Aug 14, 2024
If you fool around with other girls (especially her friends), she will know and maybe think she could, too. The more you show her off, the more she might like it, too.
Don't fool around, and she will herself stop guys groping her... no rocket science.
Unknown - Sep 06, 2023
RedRider69 - Aug 05, 2023
Joe - Aug 14, 2024
That game is complex. Keep it for yourself if you want Clara for yourself.
JustNohbody - May 14, 2023
Joe - Aug 14, 2024
Just like real life - can't sleep around thinking the partner won't.
Frank - May 11, 2023
Mike - May 10, 2023
Mike - May 10, 2023
Mike - May 10, 2023
cccfcc - May 09, 2023
Admin - May 10, 2023
Click the three-line option in the left upper corner and choose the export option.
bhris - Mar 24, 2023
Dan59 - Mar 24, 2023
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