Magebuster: Amorous Augury

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created on Aug 07, 2020

Magebuster: Amorous Augury game - Xarric is a powerful spirit who is summed by Sophia from a different world. She wants him to be her servant. Xarric doesn't want to be her servant and will do anything to keep it from happening. A magic duel proceeds and it will determine if Xarric will be her servant. The duel produces a spectacular magical experience that few will ever witness. This is what happens when someone as powerful as Xarric doesn’t want to become a servant.

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  • Error - Dec 05, 2024

    how do you get the second ending?
    • Zelex - Dec 01, 2024

      How the do you get the scene where the first image is?
      I've tried beating her and losing to her, but neither gave me it.
      • A Helpful Friend - Feb 10, 2025

        You need the hypnosis ending. basically tease her every chance you get, and youll get a dominant ending where she admits she likes you demeaning her
      • Tutorial Guy - Aug 25, 2024

        Hey Guys, I saw some of y'all were struggling to beat the witch on stage 4. Not to worry, I got yall!

        First we need to understand some major parts of her AI.

        The "wait" mechanic is how many turns till the characters next attack. A fireball (6 turns) can attack twice before a lightning strike (16 turns) hits you. Once the player uses those two fireballs (12 total turns) the witch will attack with lightning [4 turns] later. All attacks must be chosen right after either your last move, or the witch's last move. So if the player chose a third fireball after the second one landed (18 total consecutive turns), that attack will go [2 turns] after.
        • Tutorial Guy - Aug 25, 2024

          Also. make sure you have near full health for the next fight.
          • Tutorial Guy - Aug 25, 2024

            - Repeat this method until you are at full health
            - Spam fireball
            - when you get back to low health, go back to "healing and spamming iceshard"
            -spam fireball until dead

            -turn off skip when you're about to beat her
            • Tutorial Guy - Aug 25, 2024

              Stage 4

              1) NEVER USE MAGIC SHIELD: She will always follow it up with a lightning, which will make yall lose. She's just better at it and it does more damage than yours

              2) Your Healing is always followed by the witch's fireball

              3) Your Ice Shard is always followed up by her blocking

              4) Your fireball is always followed up by Her Iceshard

              She will only try to counter these attacks if she is allowed to chose an attack. She won't switch to ice shard just because she saw your fireball if she [12 moves] away from finishing her lightning strike.

              Finally the moment yall all have been waiting for.

              - Turn on skip (This can take a while without it)
              - Use (Ice Shard) repeatedly until you see that HER wait till her next shield is 5 or 6.
              - Use Healing
              - She will use fireball
              - Use Iceshard again to get her to block
              - repeat until ice shard spamming then heal again.
              • Tutorial Guy - Aug 25, 2024

                Shields work differently as they only defend you if the enemy casts a move DURING the duration of your shield. Shields have a wait time of (7 turns) so if the witch casts a fireball (6 turns) the same time you cast a shield, the fireball will move through [6 turns], get blocked, then the shield duration will end one turn later. If you use shield the same time the witch uses ice shard, after [7 turns] the shield will run out, and if you don't reapply the shield, the witch will hit you with the ice shard.

                Defense: Most moves have defense and all it does is act as a mini shield. If you use fireball, but the witch lands an iceshard before you can fireball, the fireball will reduce some damage.

                Priority: You have priority to attack first if both your moves land at the same time.
                • some one - Dec 04, 2024

                  actually, the shield isn't useless because, unless the speals, it is active the all 7 turn, and not only at the end of the seventh turn. Meaning it can cancel fire ball and ice shard, but it cannot cancel thunderbolt.
                  so not that useless because it helped me a lot defating the witch and unlocking the third ending
              • Ben12216 - Jun 29, 2024

                It's a decent game. The fighting does get very annoying and I believe that it should be made a bit easier. I would love to see a sequel though.
                • larry - Jan 23, 2024

                  for the 4th phase i just used 2 fireball -1thunder - fire ball- thunder and repeat (use skip bottom to make it faster)
                  • Average - Jun 29, 2022

                    People need to stop complaining about the fight its so easy-
                    • Wrry - Oct 09, 2021

                      The 4th phase is is fudging annoying, she just keeps healing here and there.
                      • OrangeJuiceOrAppleJuice - Sep 23, 2021

                        Has anyone noticed that the renpy girls right hand has 6 fingers.🤔
                      • Savior - Jul 14, 2021

               / watch?v=ryimEINUu98 here. itll help.
                      • Gametester - Jul 14, 2021

                        the first fight is excruciatingly painful. i want to continue in the game, but no matter what i do she will always balance it out. i cannot get anywhere once i reach phase 3-4. i would like to, but its physically impossible.

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