It's a visual novel to support another game (Single Again). Like, a side-story. If you want to try the actual game, you might find a bit more choice there.
As a side story for the main game "Single Again", I really liked this. Particularly the parts between Lilith and Becca. However, to be clear, this is a kinetic novel. There is no gameplay, just clicking for the next line/scene. This is perfectly fine for what this is, but for those who are looking for a proper game then this is not for you.
OK. Extremely boring. Don't close any decisions and actions. Player cannot intervene in game. Can't decide what you want. For me it's not a game. You can only look and click, nothing more. I want games. Where I can make decisions, take actions. And in the game, can play and intervene. So unfortunately I have to give 0 stars. END!!!!
It's not a game, it's just a kinetic novel about Lilith from the said Single Again game. I will probably be negative for saying that a soap opera that has no real options is not a game. But is the soap opera you watch on television a digital game?
Kinda imprecise what I wrote above. Don't mind it (or don't even post it, cens... moderators).
It was nice filling up the gaps with Lil's and Becca's convos... Becca... I love how supportive and manipulative she is. Thankfully she's team Dad or he would be so screwed. Becca's a genius mastermind haha
No gallery here to preview scenes. Seems a bait and switch to me--it starts off, boom, a girl-girl sex scene, models both young and cute. Great! But after that its a whole lot of boring exposition about boyfriends. Keep the focus on the girls and I like it much more.
This is not possible.
First, this game features the backstory of Lilith, who is originally a character in Single Again. If you could make choices in her past, wouldn't she act differently during Single Again?
Second, a purely lesbian path, as much as I enjoyed Abby's and her interlude, wouldn't work with Single Again because there are multiple scenes in the games that are directly linked. They only show the other perspective. One of them is the scene right after she caught Justin.
Jemuzu - Aug 14, 2024
Anonymouse - Nov 12, 2024
TrashMasquerade - May 22, 2024
Jemuzu - Nov 17, 2023
yoy - Mar 06, 2024
Disappointed - Sep 29, 2023
Jerkfree - Jun 22, 2023
Katjablond - Jun 21, 2023
joaoemanuel - Jun 22, 2023
Tommy35 - Nov 09, 2022
Thal - Jul 07, 2022
Thal - Jul 07, 2022
It was nice filling up the gaps with Lil's and Becca's convos... Becca... I love how supportive and manipulative she is. Thankfully she's team Dad or he would be so screwed. Becca's a genius mastermind haha
DrJay - Feb 13, 2022
Irishman - Aug 13, 2021
Charlie - Oct 28, 2021
First, this game features the backstory of Lilith, who is originally a character in Single Again. If you could make choices in her past, wouldn't she act differently during Single Again?
Second, a purely lesbian path, as much as I enjoyed Abby's and her interlude, wouldn't work with Single Again because there are multiple scenes in the games that are directly linked. They only show the other perspective. One of them is the scene right after she caught Justin.
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