Lessons in Love [v 0.47.0]

Views: 642K

updated on Feb 19, 2025

Lessons in Love game - You're a high school teacher in the city of Kumon-mi. You have ten students who you're trying to help them through life. During your downtime, you can visit them at work, in their dorm rooms, or at a local bar. You could also be perverted and try to get into their panties. It's going to be so difficult for you not to want to fuck these girls when you're supposed to be helping them prepare for the rest of their lives.

Walkthrough / GuideAdditional InfoCheats:

goodhomie = undo betraying Rin.
rosebud = increases affection with all girls by 100.
lagfix = resets the call stack which an early version of the headpat system caused to pile up and cause lag. Doesn't mark save as a cheater.
floor1victory = make it so floor 1 won the dorm war.
floor2victory = make it so floor 2 won the dorm war.
dormwartie = make it so the dorm war resulted in a tie.
funinthesun = resets the beach event and makes it trigger the next Sunday.
fingeryourniece = resets Ami's events 'No One Can See Us' and 'Important Things' and gives the message "You now have the opportunity to be a better uncle." Guessing there's gonna be consequences to these events in the future.
This cheat only works if you haven't completed the Christmas event yet (specifically the event named "Fireworks, Chicken, and the Innate Fear of Death"). Attempting to use it after the Christmas event does nothing, not even marking your save as a cheater.
If your playing the censored version, replace the word niece in the cheat with whatever the censor replaces it with. I've never played it, but the cheat is set up to accept the alternative.

iwillalwaysloveyou = increase Ami's lust by 100.
bubblewrapprincess = increase Ayane's lust by 100.
likemotherlikedaughter = increase Makoto's lust by 100.
heartofgold = increase Chika's lust by 100.
atreefallsintheforest = increase Futaba's lust by 100.
supermom = increase Sara's lust by 100.
thouartsick = increase Haruka's lust by 100.
youonlyliveonce = increase Kirin's lust by 100.
openrelationship = increase Maki's lust by 100.
shiningstar = increase Niki's lust by 100.
seemeafterclass = count Chika's 'Detention' lust event as having triggered.
wheredoesthetimego = "100 Days pass while you sit at the computer. It's almost like real life now, isn't it?"
Rating: 5Votes: 189
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  • Tuck1987 - Feb 24, 2025

    I am stuck at the second reset I do not know what to do
    • withoutseams - Dec 28, 2024

      im currently stuck on the puzzle at the end of chapter 4. Does anyone know if or when the puzzle guide is gonna be updated? or is willing to help
      • Shibbity - Dec 15, 2024

        if you want to cheat, and not have your file marked as a cheater, do Shift+O and type in:
        cheater = False

        This works because it runs on Python. Do print(cheater) after doing a cheatcode to see the difference.
        • dirt - Dec 04, 2024

          Unfortunately seems the bar has disappeared as an option to visit and can't proceed
          • Sharkes - Nov 29, 2024

            Why the main character gotta be such a creepy asshole bro makes me feel bad 😭
            • Th0m4sMc4ll1st3r - Nov 27, 2024

              What's the point in having two different links for the resets walkthrough if they both take you to the same exact document?
              • hieu - Nov 21, 2024

                😋🤣😅😂🎃 sex
                • WtfIsThisPornGame - Nov 15, 2024

                  Weird comparison, but this game is like Game of Thrones. It hooks you with the sex, but like that was only 5% of it. The rest of it is this insane story that keeps me going. I don't even care about the sex scenes, I just wanna see where this shit goes at this point.
                  • UNKNOWN - Nov 03, 2024

                    HOW TO GET CHEATS HERE
                  • WithoutSeams - Nov 02, 2024

                    never in my life did I think I would find myself 80+ hours into one of these games/visual novels, wanting to be apart of this games community, checking for updates, and just being all around blown away but this level of story telling. I've gotten chills every single time I've loaded up a save and continued this story. Selebus, if you see this, you're an insanely talented creator and story teller, keep doing what you do.

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