They should remove point and click tag, the game is basically the good old box choice game. Imo there is a good game is defined by the perfect balance between stuff to do and the story. Too much stuff you make the player do and that's too boring and tedious but too little choices and things to do and the player is better off watching porn or hentai. This game falls in the later category, for example "to f@#$ or not to fuck" that's not a real choice if it just affects if you get to see some adult
gioco sviluppato male , non appaiono i dialoghi , grafica da migliorare , personaggi interessanti , storia da rivedere e migliorare , buon lavoro sviluppatori ,impegnatevi di più grazie
visuals are amazing,female characters are gorgeous,plenty of sex for a new game,sadly they kinda ruined it when turn the game into sandbox,not telling u what u should do next,hint or so and u dont even know if the game already over for the current version or not(at least if im playing correctly) so maybe 3/5 or 4/5 at most
Stuck on day 2 too. Tried every room multiple times, and the big room is locked. My patience gave way to boredom, only so many times you can click the same things and then skip the dialogue.
actually you reach day 4 in mansion . go to all places in the mansion then visit big room to talk with karin.then go to basement you will see becca tied up. teach her a lesson then at midnight go to restroom.after that done.
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