Inner Empire [v 1.7]

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updated on Jul 10, 2024

Inner Empire is a text-based narrative role-playing game in a fantasy setting inspired by ancient civilizations.

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  • Spanish Conquistador - Mar 03, 2025

    Clicked because I thought it said Incan empire, was sadly mistaken.
    • Nanves - Mar 02, 2025

      Eu não costumo comentar sobre jogos em desenvolvimento, mas esse vai demorar para ser finalizado. História: 5/5; é linear, mas tem diversas escolhas e com certeza terá finais diferentes (já há três finais); existe uma variedade grande de informação e personagens, e o desenvolvedor não poupou esforços ao incluir comportamentos que tornam o jogo mais realista. Conteúdo: 2/5; esse jogo só é categorizado como um jogo erótico por causa do sexo, mas isso não é necessário para progredir na história; não há imagens, apenas texto. Os fetiches são pouco variáveis; o CG dos ambientes é bom. Jogabilidade: 3/5; escolhas e exploração de terreno; há um sistema típico de habilidades (força, carisma...).
      Dá para jogar no mobile. Se você não fala inglês, busque um site que tenha esse jogo e que permita usar o Google Tradutor para ler a história. Esse jogo é semelhante ao Battle Quest: ambos têm uma história forte e dispensam o erotismo (poderiam ser jogos "normais", mas a concorrência seria maior). Nota: 3/5.
      • eae - Oct 22, 2024

        found this a while ago, still great
        • YUDDDDDDDD - Jul 19, 2024

          Gotta say. I didnt fap or anything. But damn this is one of the best games i played
          • Johnny Lazerbeam - Jul 16, 2024

            Holy hot damn! Please finish or keep updating because I binged this from start to end and enjoyed all of it. Awesome stuff keep it up 👍
            • J. Lazerbeam - Jul 16, 2024

              Also replayability is an absolute win and I'm usually not into playing female protagonist games but this was all... shall I say, fleshed, out nicely. Fist I was a charismatic girl, then I played a strong chick, now I'ma go in full slut bonanza mode! Gotta cover all bases and see what happens .............🙃.......................................................................................................Might go full retard mode after that last one, the script is well done and funny, too.
            • Way - Dec 02, 2023

              One the best games i've played in a while. Maybe it's because i don't know about detailed text rpgs much. If you know any others like this, please do tell. But i love how well this game allows role playing while introducing a gamelike progression that feels natural. The story actually keeps you engaged, the dialogue isn't boring and there's little adventures around the game world. And the tiny open worlds like the first village are super enjoyable. Ironic that today's AAA games have dogshit writing compared to a porn game.

              Spoiler Alert: Why force the cadonis scene? It comes off feeling rapey if you dislike cadonis.
              • Defiant Explorer - Dec 11, 2023

                It's not forced if you have at least 1 lvl of Willpower. About why... just play further and you see why. This scene may or may not happen. Which pushes the story into one of two parallel courses for Chapter 2.
              • nunya - Nov 13, 2023

                im clicking accept for the TOS comfirming that im 18+ but for some reason it aint workim
                • Ehh - Nov 11, 2023

                  For a game with basically a lacking of porn... I'll let it slide
                  Because ngl this game is quite fun.
                  • PatrykMontana - Jun 29, 2023

                    When next update?
                    • Wayne - Aug 29, 2023

                      I actually enjoyed this. It's a good story. I ended up going through it start to finish, something I don't always do for a lot of text-heavy games. I do like text games like this, but sometimes they can get extremely verbose without much substance. This was good, though.
                      • Defiant Explorer - Jul 02, 2023

                        Option 1: Click on the game here, on the left, see the link to my Patreon, and from there, download the public version 1.5 (all public versions there are open to all). But. Saving from the online version here will not be relevant for my offline version. So, open your save, and find the save-on-disk function. Make such a save - it will also work in the offline version.

                        Option 2. Wait for the guys here to add the 1.5 update. As far as I know, this is the only site that bothers to make an online
                    • Deinvater - Jun 03, 2023

                      You know this is a hentai website right? why are you posting it here?
                      • Deinemutter - Nov 09, 2023

                        Because this game has a lot of sex too. You get to suck some dick, get fucked, get licked and even lick some pussy. Thats why my dude. If you cant read then I guess its your problem.

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