Harem of the Princess [v 0.7]

Views: 48K

updated on Sep 27, 2022

In Harem of the Princess, you play a princess who runs away from a political marriage of convenience and starts a new life. She had to secretly move all her money into another bank far away and sneak out at the last minute. You'll meet lots of new people and get a fresh start. But the problem is you have been a bit shielded from real life, and only know about your books and what they taught you. You didn't even have friends before now.  

But you sure aren't ready to marry a greedy and spoiled prince from another kingdom, so your maids helped you, along with some foreign agent. You have fake identity papers and are headed off on a charter flight to you have no idea where. Now you are in a place called Vilbea and have to start anew.

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  • zarroll - Jun 05, 2023

    it says you made a wrong choice/not enough point, how do I make sure I made the correct choice?
    • Gamesucks - Dec 10, 2022

      The choices arent real and the game forces you to be with rose. 1 star.
      • huh - Dec 10, 2022

        Why would you buy a hotel for 100m when the average for 100 rooms is 22m?
        • Lame - Dec 10, 2022

          Why is my character refusing to have lesbian sex in a lesbian porn game???? -10,000 stars
          • Cat62 - Nov 07, 2022

            code is
            • Mr_J - Sep 28, 2022

              Ok I went through the game trying to be nice and friendly then at the end it said Id messed up and kicked me back to main menu anyone know what your supposed to do
              • Jerkfree - Sep 28, 2022

                Wow!!!!! The game Dev allows you to play up to the second night with Rose to End the game telling you, you Dont have enough Points to continue!!!!!! When you were NOT allowed to gain ANY POINTS anywhere in the game!!!!!!! BS Dev wanting you to $ub$cribe and PAY TO PLAY!!!!!!
                • Bronto - May 20, 2022

                  Huh, something bizarre happened, why does the gmae like send me to the main mpage whenever I get to the scene with Rose in the bath when I say : That is fine with me I dont if its a bug or just the game end well thx if someone answer my doubts
                  • Bronto - May 20, 2022

                    Well lets see where this goes

                    • Bronto - May 20, 2022

                      oh and does anyone know the code in the beginning or more like what it does?
                    • DrJay - May 19, 2022

                      This is kind of cute, a female protagonist who lives in a seemingly all-female world, but no sex after an hour of game play. The writing is unintendedly hilarious at times, the woman who sells cell phones in the park turns out to also sells hotels. That laugher prompted me to comment.

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