
Views: 33K

created on Mar 31, 2023

In Skyfuck, our hero has different tasks to perform on the plane. It seems that many girls have bought all the tickets for this flight. You're with your girlfriend, but she seems to have bailed and didn't buy a ticket. So you must pretend to be a pilot and try to fuck a flight attendant. Who knows, you might even be able to fuck other passengers. Don't worry; your girlfriend won't ever know what's going on. Even if she did find out, she knows what kind of guy you are anyway.

Additional InfoControls:
W A S D - move
E - action
Mouse - drag items on the screen
Rating: 5Votes: 49
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  • Mohallim - Dec 27, 2023

    Very nice
    • SlipperyAcrobat - Sep 02, 2023

      go left and talk with the all the people, then go to the right and pick up the coffee grinder beside the coffee machine and the laxative in the bathroom. now the left most door (previously blocked by the stewardess) is open. get the pilot uniform inside on the left counter and go to the bathroom again. talk to the women stuck in the toilet and go to the right most area to talk the the stewardess, she should give you coffee beans, mix that with coffee grinder, then put it on the coffee machine. after that, go talk to the pilot and pick up the coffee cup, put that on the coffee machine and get coffee. put laxative in the coffee then give it to the pilot.
      • SlipperyAcrobat - Sep 02, 2023

        now you should be able to sit on the pilot's seat. you will then have to lower the landing gear. go back to the landing gear and climb down, fuck the women in the tube to save her and go back to the bathroom. now the tunnel going down in the right most area is open to down and talk with the stewardess. then go down the landing gear to find the dog, put the dog in the cage and bring it to the rich women. fuck her and her body guard, then go join the pilot, and go back to the stewardess. now you can go to the exit and see the gallery
      • owo - Jul 17, 2023

        found out how to make the coffee. you use the weird grinder thing you find early on, then you can put it in the cup, then you can put the cup in the coffee machine, then you can put the drink stuff into the coffee. my god that was hard to figure out
        • owo - Jul 17, 2023

          yea, i'm stuck on how to make coffee and now my inventories full. please make your game at least slightly more obvious to figure out. i'm just here to fap
          • carlos - Jul 09, 2023

            how do i give the coffe?
            • nobody specific - Jul 15, 2023

              you need to put the laxitives in the coffee, they are in the bathroom
            • Deinvater - Jun 29, 2023

              Please make us able to deactivate audio
              • deinemutteristbeiafghanernamsaugen - Jun 30, 2023

                mach eif leise du hund
              • yoo - Jun 23, 2023

                yo jo i want new game for adam tate to be feature
                • The guy from above is right - May 31, 2023

                  The game is such a delight! Thanks you
                  • ... - May 08, 2023

                    how do i make the coffee
                    • hopoff - May 01, 2023

                      lol this got released on my birthday

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