Divine Miko Koyori

Views: 287K

created on Aug 06, 2021

Divine Miko Koyori game - People think in the modern world that science reigns supreme. What they don't realize is, there's an underworld filled with deities and monsters that aren't the fairy tales that most people see them as. Koyori is an apprentice exorcist, and she is sent to a remote village to exorcise the entire area as part of her training. What she stirs up is something that no one could've seen coming, but there's no way to uncork the magnitudes of darkness she stirred up.

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  • Rei - Nov 15, 2024

    I can't find all the endings. How can i see them without searching for hours?
    • Lioncub - Oct 21, 2024

      wont lie the hot spring scene not only turned me off but made me fucking angry like why is there no option to just obliterate them or somethin
      • Favyo - Jan 08, 2024

        I can't cheat on mobile
        • deku - Dec 07, 2023

          wher the f is the wood
          • Angevin Aroma - Apr 16, 2024

            I'm having the same issue. She won't leave the first boss area without this wood that is no where to be found.
            • Admin - Apr 16, 2024

              Please open your browser console after having the error or freeze. You will find the error text at the end of the log.
              Copy-paste the error here or in the Bug report form. Thank you!
              • Angevin Aroma - Apr 20, 2024

                The wood looks like a background object. The game just isn't clear that the item is interactable.
                • Mitsuri - Dec 30, 2024

                  I found nine of the ten firewood needed, where's the tenth?
            • if you want you can cheat to get it - Mar 17, 2024

              if your into that
            • sexzel - Dec 03, 2023

              Games almost like it’s rigged to fail I said to let her go it continues I wouldn’t recommend it
              • Idk - Oct 01, 2023

                How do you activate cheats on mobile?
                • Burneraccountprobs - Sep 20, 2023

                  Not sure if anyone else has experienced this, but after beating the final boss, at least to my knowledge I appear to get stuck in Koyori's Hut constantly trying to use the "channel" feature, this is probably unintended I had to escape using the cheat menu
                  • Nora - Sep 14, 2023

                    When u press the number 1 the cheats wont comeup on Gamming PC, laptop
                    • Burneraccountprobs - Sep 16, 2023

                      I actually went and tried it again on a different browser, I BELIEVE that you need to first continue from a save file in order to get the cheats.
                      What I did was
                      1: Start game (couldn't cheat)
                      2: Play a new game and go through intro (couldn't cheat)
                      3: Saved file, went to title screen, checked gallery (couldn't cheat)
                      4: Continue from previous save file (could cheat!!!!)
                      idk why it works like this, but maybe its something to do with the cheating needing a save file to interact with first? Its not a super huge deal since you should probably be saving anyways, and you need to be in a game for cheating to do anything, cheating from title screen to my knowledge is pointless (might be wrong though)
                    • Burneraccountprobs - Sep 09, 2023

                      You CAN use items during battles, but its the fifth option buried under "attack" "sword arts" "miko arts" and "guard".
                      I don't think leveling up improves your stats, I think you have to improve stats using the skill tree, like max hp or attack.
                      If you're trying to use Miko Arts, you have to change your equipment to "Okuwhatever Talisman" in the Equip tab.
                      Attacks and (probably)Sword Arts rely on wielding the "Divine Annihilator". Divine Annihilator is default equip, and Okuwhatever's a different option. If its too finicky on Mobile I recommend just clicking "optimize" until you get what you want.
                      Also in "Equip" is the Chihaya, this takes damage as you enter battles and provides less and less defense. You can use Sewing Kit to repair its durability (which you can see by clicking the item) or take it off by unequiping it, or on Mobile just pressing "clear" for a fun cutscene.
                      • Hello - Sep 06, 2023

                        If you want to view the defeat scenes, press 1 for the cheat menu, then go to switches and find whatever xxx败北, make it true then go from switches to teleport and pick 69: defeat event map, then you can view scenes without progressing in story.
                        • user - Sep 16, 2023

                          hi can you give an in depth explanation i would love to see all the scenes
                          • Burneraccountprobs - Sep 09, 2023

                            Thanks for this but are there any other setting things that could prevent this from working? I know I used to be able to get the cheat menu (Even if i had no idea how to use it) via pressing f1, but now that, and both 1s on my keyboard, don't seem to work. Does capitalization matter? mine is off
                            • Burneraccountprobs - Sep 10, 2023

                              AH I figured it out, for some reason it wasn't working for me when pressing just 1 OR when pressing f1, but it works now for some reason that is beyond me. Maybe when pressing 1 it just didn't register in the game? who knows.
                              Thank you for revealing a tidbit of how to use the cheat engine, i'll try to use both it and also play the game legitimately as well.
                              While game's being updated, apparently (and i verified this using my save file 19) the s*x stats of the game are bugged. Idk how important it is, or if certain endings get affected, but after "Development" stats reach 9 they seem to overflow back to 1, about when the body parts'"O" stats reach 50. Apparently the v3 patch fixed this, mentioning this now so if the safe files need to get updated not too many people should be affected too much

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