Caged [v 0.05]

Views: 93K

updated on Aug 23, 2021

In Caged, Natasha has worked hard to be one of the top students in her small town. Queen is where she lives, and it's also where she studies. The problem is, her stepfather stole millions of dollars from the University's Board of Directors, and she was kicked out of the school. Now, this gorgeous girl is left on her own to get somehow herself back on the right path. Will she overcome this horrific situation, or will she become a poverty-stricken drug addict?

Walkthrough / Guide
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  • Ravnen23 - Dec 21, 2022

    Ok so where are the choices? Walkthrough says there is a lot of choices. And I havent met a single one yet..
    • Katjablond - Aug 24, 2021

      You can also do something except just study, sleep, learn to sleep, etc. Whats in class or earn money or visit mom or on the beach, etc. And you can't make a decision. The whole time I couldn't do anything too good or I could do something wrong if I had no idea.
      • Sam - Aug 22, 2021

        is there ever going something exciting going to happen to the character you play, for fuck sake. no choices, only pumped up guys how i try to avoid and than finaly her mom goes to her lawyer and i stay with her neighbour and stillnothing. waist of time again
        • JT. - Aug 07, 2021

          And what’s the point of the beach or ice cream parlor? Nothing ever happens their
          • JT. - Aug 07, 2021

            Is this it. Either I’m missing something or this game is very short. I’m currently attending school. It seems like their is nothing left to do.
            • Ssss - Jul 14, 2021

              • Name - Jun 29, 2021

                Update is out O.4 is out update it here pls
                • Yessir - Apr 07, 2021

                  How do i get money

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