Brothel 34

Views: 258K

created on Mar 11, 2020

Brothel 34 - You are the owner of a brothel in this furry game. You've got to find women to work for you and also clients. As you might already know, it's not easy to find girls to work in a brothel. Customers, well, they can be easier to find. However, you'll have your work cut out for you since prostitution isn't the easiest business in the world to run. Sure, there are plenty of horny guys out there, but getting them to pay for pussy is the challenging part. Are you a good businessman? This game will put your business skills to the test.

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  • Nanves - Feb 10, 2025

    Geralmente os jogos de administração de bordéis possuem alguma história ou complemento, mas nesse aqui não. Conteúdo: 2/5; a quantidade de fetiches é bem variada e a qualidade da arte não é muito ruim; o problema aqui são as cenas fixas (só tem uma cena animada no jogo e facilmente poderia ter mais), e os textos também não ajudam muito (na verdade, alguns deles são mais engraçados do que eróticos). Jogabilidade: 3/5; apesar de eu gostar muito de jogos de administração, esse aqui não demonstrou a mesma dificuldade que outros semelhantes (exemplo: Space Whores), afinal, a 2B vai te dar todo o dinheiro necessário (se você souber usá-la corretamente); não há eventos secundários, o que torna o jogo facilmente entediante.
    É possível jogar no mobile. As personagens podem falar, o que demonstra variedade nos arquivos de áudio do jogo (algo incomum). O jogo ficaria bem melhor tendo eventos ou uma história melhor elaborada. Nota: 3/5.
    • Ease - Jan 19, 2024

      how do you save or do it just auto saves?
      • zigzag - Aug 23, 2024

        it auto save just never press new game or u will lose all ur data
      • Mina_de - Jan 05, 2024

        i had all animals and females on max, than found the well with the other 2 futas but as soon as i bought them all animals where gone and back in stable to buy -.- didnt sold them they simply resetet...

        game was done after like 30 min of speedclicking.
        Starting tips= buy 2x 25$ slaves and upgrade them to max ( 45 / 55) than buy the next .
        • hek - Oct 11, 2023

          wish there was more guidance at the start
        • idgaf - Jul 27, 2023

          1 mil at shift 235 fully maxed out
        • h lmjm - Jul 26, 2023

          how do i unlock mewtwo and ahri
          • idgaf - Jul 27, 2023

            The well next to the shop for the toys but mewtwo and ahri both have dicks instead of pussies
          • geopiece - Mar 21, 2023

            wait this isnt free robux
          • me. - Aug 02, 2022

            so i just got to 1 mill but now how do i get mewtwo and that other?
          • ber - May 11, 2022

            1 have 1.5 B money :)
            • Fert - Dec 13, 2021

              How do you get other characters that arent evolved?

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