Alena's New Life [v 0.7.5]

Views: 237K

updated on Mar 20, 2024

In Alena's New Life, having turned 18 and chosen to leave home, Alena has gone on the run. The new town will be full of surprises for her; she'll meet new people, face new challenges, and encounter new sights, sounds, and tastes. But, unfortunately, the big city is no place for a naive young lady who isn't worldly. If Alena isn't careful, she could be in a very bad situation. She's entered the concrete jungle, and someone like her can't navigate it without problems.

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  • caska - Dec 30, 2024

    How is it considered a choice if you get ONE OPTION to pick when that cunt Mathew decides to touch Alena? If you even implement that linearity, don't try to make it seem like a choice, you're only fooling yourself. Either way, thank Mathew and my lack of choice on how to deal with that dipshit for trying to forget this "game" ASAP.
    • Saliva kiss - Oct 04, 2024

      how to make her friend to fuck the shop guy in the shop
      • Smokeybear - Apr 18, 2024

        How do you replenish energy faster then just sleeping?
        For a few days, it's playable, but then I can do nothing for a few days... what am I missing?
        thx in advance.
        • Anon69 - May 09, 2024

          At school (in the cafeteria) there's free meal and very cheap food too
        • Hhh - Mar 24, 2024

          How i can talk to alex they want sim card and i have one
          • ok k - Mar 22, 2024

            how do you bug the room?
            • Arturo Moises - Oct 30, 2023

              I wish you could keep your saved data everytime I save the game and when I come back my saved file is gone and I'm forced to start all over again
              • Admin - Oct 31, 2023

                Please use the save option at the bottom of the game screen (or by the right mouse click) to open the menu and save the game to a save slot.
                Then click the three-line option in the left upper corner and choose the export option.
                When you are willing to continue (please don't use the incognito mode), load the game, click the three-line option in the left upper corner, choose the import one, and choose the save in the open window. If the save doesn’t appear after import, reload the page.
              • Caleb - Oct 02, 2023

                Can't get the Sim-Card
                • Kai - Oct 28, 2023

                  Go to school and talk to the girl who works at the pizza place (cant remember her name) and she'll tell you that you can get one from the electronic store but (at least for me) the girl working there wont talk to you so you need to wait for it to be Matt's day to work the shop. He'll sell you the Sim-Card
                • Caleb - Oct 02, 2023

                  Lets see if you can be submissive to the bully now
                  • BLACKJACK - Sep 09, 2023

                    Why has this got a 3D tags? It is not even a good quality cartoon.
                    • John Doe - Sep 10, 2023

                      What has the style to do with 2D or 3D? It is obviously 3D.
                      • Steakdough - Oct 02, 2023

                        Each get an up-vote, but neither of you are right. The 3D tag is correctly used when talking about it's *Art style*: Characters, environment and assets were all made in a 3D modelling software. But from a *Game design* perspective, it can't be considered a 3D game if you can't navigate in a 3D space, or interact in real time with it assets. Its a visual novel. Not a FPS.
                    • John Doe - Aug 03, 2023

                      In the new udpate, we still can't use the bought items😤

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